Saturday, December 20, 2008

Chapter 2. Microscope Technology 1


Additional Applications of Confocal Microscopy


Comparison of Electron Micrographs

Confocal microscope technique

Confocal Microscopy (Information about the history, confocal theory, principles and optics as well as a selection of general links)

Conventional VS Laser scanning Microscopy Techniques

Creatingand enhancing professional graphics using Adobe PhotoshopCS3

Dark field illumination, Larry Legg

Digital Image Ethics (A short history of some of the issues that journalists have struggled with and ten suggested guidelines for working with digital images)

Digital Microscope Camera Technology
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
Light Microscope Techniques
Materials, Forensics, Geological Microscopy
Electron and Light Microscopy Web Resources

Educational Resources (On-line resources for K-12 teachers & students)

Electron Microscope Techniques
Historical and Antique Microscopes
Scanning Probe and Atomic Force
Energy Dispersive Microanalysis EDX

Electron microscopy

Electron Microscopy (Information about history, principles, sample preparation techniques and www resources for TEM & SEM)

Electron microscopy


Fluorescence Techniques (Links with information about fluorescent dyes, antibodies and resources for sample preparation)

Free Publications (Seven publications for professionals that cover microscopy & imaging from a variety of perspectives)

Hardware (Information about digital cameras, scanners and printers)

Histology (Links to sample preparation protocols and staining techniques, immuno/histo/cyto-chemistry, collections of images of tissues prepared for histology and safety)

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